Convert Karbonn A30 to True Tablet

Monday, April 06, 2015 0 Comments

Convert Karbonn A30 to True Tablet

If you've never played with a Nexus 10 tablet, then you probably have no idea that your Nexus 7 actually has a different user interface. For some reason, Google decided it was better for the Nexus 7 to use a phone UI instead of a tablet one, but luckily for us, We can get That for Karbonn A30.
  • Rooted Karbonn A30
  • Any Build.prop Editor
  • Brain


  1. Open Build.prop Editor
  2. Search for "Lcd density"
  3. Now change the value From 240 To 120
  4. Now add The below line in the End                                                                                                                                              qemu.hw.mainkeys=0
  5. Save the Changes
  6. Now Reboot your Karbonn A30

                            Enjoy the New Look  ;-)

I`m a simple Boy who have high dreams for my Future........If you are thinking so then stop your mind because you wrong I`m only a boy who like to use new tech stuff to his device.Want to Know More check my About Me page