[Guide for how to root karbonn A30]
What is "Rooting"?
"Rooting".What does that means, and why would you ever want to do something to your device that sounds like the horrible torture your mother used to inflict on unsuspecting weeds in the garden?That`s what we are going to discuss.You might have read some complex definitions of rooting your Android.So first of all let me tell you what is rooting & its jaw dropping features. Google provides stock Android which has some limitations like you cannot kill System apps even if you use any kind of ram booster of anything,the app strats up the very next moment.There are many such issues faced by Android users & the only solution for this is "Rooting".Once you root your phone you can Access,change,customize it any way you want.Rooting Not only increase your device battery life & performance, but also Provides you option to unofficial Upgrade your current Android version. There are many benefits of rooting your Phone like :-
- Boost your Phone speed & Battery Life.
- Remove Preinstalled crapware like System Apps.
- Remove Bloatwares, Apps like Facebook, Chrome Keep sucking your Ram & battery by running in background So, Among the smartphone geek crowd, applications like these are referred to as "bloatware:" they do nothing but bloat the software by existing as unnecessary applications.
- Tweak your phone like : Increase Video streaming speed, Increase Wifi Speed, Increase SIM detecting Speed, Increase SD read/write speed.
- Most Important & Best part, Install Custom Kernel & Custom ROMS ( I will explain about it in Installing Custom ROM section Custom ROM section )
- Finally, Truly Own your Device, Make it appear in the way you want.
Benefits of rooting an android phone to gain access to the functions and menu normally inaccessible to the typical call phone user are many,but rooting is not a process that should be taken on halfheartedly. These benefits come at a cost --almost all manufacturers warranties become void once you root your phone. So,either be prepared to accept that, or learn how to "un-root" in case of an emergency.
how to Root Karbonn A30 ;-)
Precaution Before proceeding
- Charge your device upto 25%
- Backup data